Initial Consultation

A virtual process from the comfort of your home

  • Before starting a training and management program, the consultation aims to set you and your pet up for success first through dialogue with our animal behavior specialist, Sarah Dugger, KPA CTP.

  • Working with tools from Behavior Analysis, understand your pet better and why they do what they do.

  • Receive a personalized plan with prioritized goals as well as training and environment management advice that you can implement right away to prevent the rehearsal of problem behaviors and promote desired behaviors.

  • Determine which training package will be the best fit for you (check out our services to explore your options).

  • Receive a written summary of the consultation that can be shared with anyone on your pet’s care team (including fellow household members, vet staff, groomer, etc.)

  • Rest assured that the learning process will be ethical and effective for everyone involved.

Consultations available over phone or Zoom: client preference